"We don't recognize no f**king complaints!" The new motto from the same people who brought us Rodney King. If you dare complain about our misconduct you will reap the whirlwind.
Category: Criminal Defense
Irving Younger Part 2
Here is another fun story Irving Younger employed in his cross-examination lecture. He used it as a “one question too many” example but I think it works far better for...
Prosecutors on the Bench
Every day we face a hard challenge against a well-funded prosecution aided by federal agencies, state and local police departments, crime labs and other publicly funded agencies too many to...
One Question Too Many
We are all aware of the dreaded "one question too many." It is the hubris of the trial lawyer going in for the kill and instead being killed.
Zimmerman’s Disaster
Zimmerman’s lawyer, Mark O’Mara, has made his first mistake, and it may be fatal to his client’s defense. George Zimmerman must defend the charges against him with self-defense. This means...
Hubbart FACDL
On Saturday May 12, 2012 I had the pleasure of presenting the FACDL life time achievement award to my former boss Phillip Hubbart. I have written of him before in...
The Goodman Opening
I haven’t blogged for at least three weeks because I have been fully engaged in John Goodman’s DUI manslaughter trial. But now it is time to begin anew.
Sins of the Father…. Part 2
In my last post I criticized Justice Scalia for the last sentence of his dissent in the Maples case. “Because a faithful application of those precedents leads to the conclusion...
The Sins of the Father . . . . .
My partner Howard came rushing into my office: “Did you read the Scalia dissent?” I confessed I had no earthly idea what he was referring to so he threw it...
Cross Examining McQueary: Part 2
Since my last post on McQueary, Joe Paterno gave a press interview to Sally Jenkins of The Washington Post. According to the reporter, Paterno said that McQueary sat at Paterno’s...